Den første mikrokontrolleren ble presenteret av Intel i 1976 med MCS-48-familien (4048, 4035, 4047) Senere kom Atmel inn på banen med sine mikrokontrollere. De ble utviklet og solgt fra Trondheim! Senere kom også kineserne inn på banen med sine ESP-kontrollere og franskmennene med LORAN-kretsene. Engelskmennene har bidratt med sine ARM-prosessorer.

1. The Internet

The Internet of Things has long been talked about amongst tech insiders as the next big innovation in home technology. 

2. Automation

While large-scale innovation in automation has traditionally been limited to the production side of society

3. Cryptocurrency

After Bitcoin’s meteoric price jump in 2017, major tech players have begun to take cryptocurrencies seriously.

4. Blockchain

Blockchain, the decentralized ledger that holds together cryptocurrencies, has applications reaching

5. AI

Artificial intelligence is seeing the light and applications of the technology are already being worked on