
Arduino Shields er tilleggskort som plugges på soklene på Arduino-kortene. På den måten kan funksjonaliteten til kortene økes  Flere tilleggskort kan i enkelte tilfelle plugges over hverandre i flere etasjer.

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Prototype PCB for Arduino

1PC Prototype PCB for Arduino UNO R3 Mega 1280 2560 328P Shield Board DIY Kit


kr. 32,00

L9110A dual motor/stepper motor driver

Stepper Motor Driver Dual DC Controller Module PWM H-Bridge L9110S for Arduino

kr. 25,00

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MCP2515 CAN bus interface via SPI

 MCP2515 CAN Bus Module TJA1050 Receiver SPI Module NEW


kr. 65,00

Motor driver

H-bridge Stepper Motor Dual DC Motor Driver Controller Board HG7881 For Arduino

kr. 45,00

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CJMCu-2551 Can bus interface

MCP2551 CJMCU-2551 High Speed CAN Controller Bus Interface Modul Arduino

kr. 110,00

CJMCu-230 Can bus interface

CJMCU230 SN65HVD230 CAN Bus Transceiver Communication Module For GB

kr. 110,00

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Motor kontroller

L298N DC Stepper Motor Driver Module Dual H Bridge Control Board for Arduino


kr. 55,00

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Motoradapter 2A

L298P Shield R3 DC Motor Driver Module 2A H-Bridge 2 way For Arduino UNO 2560 WC


kr. 150,00

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Big Easedriver adapter 2A

2A phase 3D Printer Big Easy Driver board v1.2 A4988 stepper motor driver board


kr. 140,00

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V4.4 A3967 EasyDriver Shield Stepping Stepper Motor Driver

V4.4 A3967 EasyDriver Shield Stepping Stepper Motor Driver Microstepping Arduino

kr. 160,00

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Adafruit motoradapter

Adafruit Motor/Stepper/Servo Shield for Arduino v2 Kit



kr. 320,00

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43A PID Motor Driver

Double BTS7960B 43A Motor Driver High-power module/smart car driver For Arduino


kr. 180,00

50A PID motor driver

50A Single H Bridge Motor Driver Module PID For Arduino intelligent car


kr. 220,00

50A Dual-Channel H Bridge Motor Drive

50A Dual-Channel H Bridge Motor Driver Module for Arduino Robot Chassis Servo


kr. 230,00

Prototype-adapter som passer for alle Arduino-kortene

Prototyping Prototype Shield ProtoShield With Mini Breadboard FOR Arduino


kr. 45,00

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Pluggkabler for Arduino prototypekort


kr. 35,00

65 pluggekabler, ulike lengder

65Pcs Male to Male Solderless Flexible Breadboard Jumper Cable Wires For Arduino


kr. 25,00

Arduino UNO R3 ESP8266 UART WIFI Wireless Shield

ESP-12E ESP8266 UART WIFI Wireless Shield for Arduino UNO R3

kr. 130,00

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Raspberry Pi to Arduino Shields Adapter

Raspberry Pi to Arduino Shields Adapter


kr. 75,00

CNC Expansion Shield V3

CNC Expansion Shield V3

kr. 220,00

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CNC Shield V4 NANO V3

CNC Shield V4 Expansion + NANO V3 + A4988 3-Axis Stepper Driver Arduino

kr. 210,00

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I2C 16 kanal PWM/Servo adapter for Arduino

16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Drive shield module I2C PCA9685 For Arduino


kr. 56,00

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Arduino UNO SD Card Data Logger Module

V1.0 for Arduino UNO SD Card Data Logger Module Logging Recorder Shield


kr. 75,00

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Micro SD Card Module

Mini SD Card Module Memory Module Micro SD Card Stable for Arduino AVR ARM

Denne modulen bruker VCC=3.3 volt.


kr. 25,00  kr. 15,00

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Voltage Sensor Module For Robot Arduino fresh H&P PLNIVVUS

kr. 55,00

ACS712 20A range Current Sensor

 20A range Current Sensor Module ACS712 Module Arduino module ACS712T

kr. 65,00

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CNC Shield v4 Engraving Machine / 3D Printer

CNC Shield v4 Engraving Machine / 3D Printer / + 3pcs A4988 / DRV8825 / AT2100 Stepper Motor Driver for Arduino

Ring/SMS etter pris: 91166668


1/5" Slot Photo Interrupter Slotted Optical Switch HY505 10 Pcs SH

kr. 18,00

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IR Infrared Slotted Optical Speed Measuring Sensor Detection Optocoupler Module

kr. 45,00

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Optocoupler Motor Speed Measuring Counter Sensor Detection Test Module Slot-type


kr. 45,00

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20x4 LCD display

Blue (Yellow)-Green-Serial-IIC-I2C-TWI-2004LCD-20X4-Character-LCD-Module-For-Arduino
I2C adapter not included,  bestilles her

kr. 120,00

LCD display 16x2 tegn med I2C-bus

Arduino IIC/I2C/TWI Serial Module + 162 1602 16X2 Blue LCD Module Display Screen

kr. 85,00

4x led matrix display

4 Way MAX7219 dot matrix moving message display module for arduino esp8266,

kr. 150,00

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5.0v til 3,3v bidirektonal konverter

4 Channel IIC I2C Logic Level Converter Bi-Directional Module 5V to 3.3V


kr. 25,00

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HC-SR04 Ultrasound Module Range Finder

HC-SR04 Ultrasound Module Range Finder Distance Measuring 2-400cm for Arduino

kr. 35,00

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Iduino Yun adapter

Newest Iduino Yun Shield Linux WiFi Ethernet USB Compatible for Arduino Board


Ring/SMS etter pris: 91166668

2 Channel Relay Module

2 Channel  Relay Module Low Level Trigger Relay For Arduino

kr. 70,00

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5V 12V 4 Channel Relay Board

5V 12V 4 Channel Relay Board with Optocoupler Relay Expansion Board for Arduino

kr. 120,00

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Rele for arduino og drone

Effective Stable 1 Channel 5V Indicator Light LED Relay Module For Arduino GU


kr. 25,00

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